Do you ever have one of those days when you just want to sit on the couch and watch Parenthood all day? (If you do, make sure you have a box of Kleenex handy!) Or sit on social media and read articles, look at pictures, discover beautiful things on Pinterest, and waste your day watching other people live their lives?
Or maybe you have those days where you just feel blah and unmotivated. It’s February in Indiana and the sun is not shining much these days. It’s really easy for me to get into a major slump!
Or it could be a season of life, you’re newly pregnant, feeling nauseous and exhausted and just not like your normal self, or you’re struggling with some hard things in life, the loss of a loved one, financial strain or hardship, parenting heartache or difficulties, a hurting relationship.
I think we all have days where we’d rather roll into a ball and stay under the covers until the sunshine comes out again. I’m not trying to make light of real or serious depression because those feelings deserve our attention and outside help. I’m more talking about the day to day blahs.
The “I have so much to do and I’m so overwhelmed that I just don’t want to do anything” days. The “I yelled at my kids before school and now I feel like a terrible mom” days. The days where we just need to hit the reset button; give ourselves a little kick in the booty to boost our mood and help ourselves have a better day.
If you ever have days like this, here are 12 things I’ve found to help me get back on track and have a better day.
12 Ways to Boost Your Mood When You’re Having a Bad Day
Get off the couch. Stand up. That’s such an important step! Sometimes standing up is just the inertia we need to find a little motivation.
Open up the curtains or blinds in all the rooms of the house to let the natural light in. Hopefully there’s at least a little natural light coming in that can brighten up your house and your mood.
Stretch or do yoga. Even if only for 5-10 minutes. Getting your blood pumping, even just a little bit, can do wonders for your attitude.
Drink a glass of water. A whole glass, all at once. Do you do this enough? I don’t. So when I have a headache or am not feeling great, I drink an extra glass and it helps me to feel so much better.
Get dressed. In actual clothes; like pants with a zipper and button, not an elastic waist or drawstring. Or a skirt or dress would be great too. Now you’re ready for whatever the rest of the day throws at you.
Take a walk. Bundle up if you have to, or if the weather is too bad or it’s really too cold out, just stand in the doorway and take 5 deep breaths. Fresh air can breathe new life into your day.
Pray. If you’re the praying type, it can be so helpful to just put into words to God how you are feeling. Ask for help and strength to turn your attitude, and your day, around.
Turn on a podcast, an audiobook, or at least some upbeat music. This will encourage you to do something with your hands while you listen – wash dishes, tidy up, fold clothes, etc. And as you work you will feel so productive! Or at the very least, if you turn on music you might be surprised to find yourself up and dancing! Not as productive, but definitely more fun!
Light a candle. The scent and the warmth and flicker of the flame are soothing and relaxing.
Make a cup of tea. If your kids are home, have a little tea party. I think the British were really on to something here. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but a cup of tea is just good for the soul. Yogi Raspberry Passion Perfect Energy, Mighty Leaf Citrus Chamomile, organic green tea, or a homemade chai tea latte are some of my favorites. With local honey of course.
Hug someone. Physical touch is really important, but sometimes we can go through our day without meaningfully touching another person. I know there are all the touches involved in being a mom and taking care of littles, but I’m talking about a really intentional and meaningful touch from another person.
Probably best if it’s another adult – a hug from a good friend can be like medicine and a extended hug from a spouse can be like magic. But sometimes a good hug from one of my kids can really help to boost my mood if there really aren’t any other adults around.
Look for beauty in the midst of the mundane. Sometimes being intentional about seeing good and beauty in the things that surround us can help to change our perspective. If you have Instagram, take a picture to share your inspiration with others. (And follow me over on IG for my daily doses of inspiration!)
Sometimes it just really helps to know that we are not alone – we all have bad days. But there are things we can do to improve our days and our mood! Check out my friend Rebekah’s 6 Simple Sanity Savers for when she feels like she is going to lose her mind!
How do you press the reset button and boost your mood when you’re feeling down or having a bad day?
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12 Ways to Make Your Day Better When You’re Feeling Down is a post from: Live Renewed
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